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Map tip: To just see earthquakes on the map click 'settings' and turn off 'show stations' and 'show legend'
Local swarm
Current local earthquake swarm
25km to 30km east of Whitianga - 14th August 2022 to current (last quake M2.8 , 9 April 2023)
An ongoing earthquake swarm 25km to 30km east of Whitianga has had a total number of 26 earthquakes in the last 8 months. The largest quake in this sequence was a magnitude 3.3 on 21st September 2022.

Earthquakes over magnitude 4.0 - 1850 to 2022
Since records began, there have been 108 earthquakes recorded over a magnitude 4.0 within the Northland and Auckland region. The strongest earthquake recorded was on the Coromandel peninsular, 3rd June 1937 with a magnitude 5.5 at a depth of 25km, 20km SE of Whitianga.

Most felt earthquake - Magnitude 5.1 - 4 January 2023
The most felt earth occurred at 5:39am on 4 January 2023 when over 20,000 notified GeoNet that an earthquake had occurred. The epicenter of the quake was 5 km south Te Aroha on the Kerepehi Fault at a magnitude 5.1 and depth of 7 km.

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