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Volcanic Activity > Minor volcanic unrest
Latest unrest period > May 2022 to present
Last eruption > 232 AD
Latest earthquakes
Land movement Horomatangi Reef
Live stream Lake Taupō

Map tip: To just see earthquakes on the map click 'settings' and turn off 'show stations' and 'show legend'
Land movement
Land movement upward over the last 300 days at Horomatangi reef Lake Taupō
Land movement eastward over the last 300 days at Horomatangi reef Lake Taupō
Land movement northward over the last 300 days at Horomatangi reef Lake Taupō
Live stream of Lake Taupō courtesy of Sacred Waters
Live stream
Information: Taupō volcano first began to erupt over 300,000 years ago. It is very large and has many vents, most of which are now under Lake Taupō. Geological studies of Taupō show that the volcano makes up only the northern half of the lake and a small surrounding area but there have been numerous eruptions from different sites within this large volcano. Taupō is not a large mountain because the eruptions have been so explosive that all material has been deposited far from the vent and subsequent collapse of the ground has formed a caldera.
Eruption History here:
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