Te Aroha earthquake sequence awakens
M2.1earthquake in the central Hauraki Gulf just before a whale stranding
2 years on since the climate changing Tonga major volcanic eruption.
Good-bye to 2023
Atmospheric impacts18 months on from Tonga's volcanic eruption.
Large M7.7 Loyalty Islands quake triggers small tsunami
Geomagnetic storm, Auroras, and a large M7.1 earthquake
Severe G4 geomagnetic storm impacts upper North
1 year on from the Tonga eruption - global temperature check.
Seismic activity in the last 7 days for the upper North Island
Largest quake in nearly 100 years rocks upper North
2022 comes to a close
Coromandel earthquake swarm re-awakens
Seismic unrest within the Kermadec Arc
Series of deep earthquakes to the North
Small M2.6 shallow earthquake reawakens fault near Great Barrier Island
New quake swarm next to the Coromandel peninsula
Lake Taupō volcanic unrest increases
Strong M6.6 quake on the Kermadec Trench
Rare sky and water combo captured