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Volcanic Activity >  No volcanic unrest
Last eruption >       1854

Sections >
Latest earthquakes
Live stream from Inglewood
Land movement




Map tip: To just see earthquakes on the map click 'settings' and turn off 'show stations' and 'show legend'  

Live stream
Live stream of Mt Taranaki courtesy of Youtube channel Craig Plyler  
Land movement

Land movement upward over the last 300 days at Kahui Hut, Mt Taranaki

Land movement east over the last 300 days at Kahui Hut, Mt Taranaki

Land movement north over the last 300 days at Kahui Hut, Mt Taranaki

Land movement upward over the last 300 days at North Egmont, Mt Taranaki

Land movement east over the last 300 days at North Egmont, Mt Taranaki

Land movement north over the last 300 days at North Egmont, Mt Taranaki


Information: The 2518 m tall cone volcano last erupted about 150 years ago at the culmination of several eruptions in the preceding few hundred years. The western 1500 km2 of the Taranaki region is a volcanic landscape that has been constructed from the products of volcanic eruptions principally derived from the volcano. These deposits around the base of the volcano record intermittent volcanic activity at this site for the last 130,000 years.

Eruption History here: 

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